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The Brassy Broadcast podcast is an exploration of ways we create, engage, and communicate. 

Apr 11, 2018

Your voice is the most undervalued asset in your business. The next three episodes of The Brassy Broadcast are a mini-series of conversations with sharp entrepreneurial women that are leveraging their mission, their voices, and their expertise to produce podcasts that are helping them grow their businesses.

Although they all work in very different fields, you will find common themes running through these conversations.

We talk a lot about creating community, building relationships, and how they define success for their podcasts. Spoiler alert: It’s not huge download numbers and money from random sponsors.

We also get into the tactical stuff. We talk about favorite tools, how their shows have evolved over time, and how they are growing their audiences and using social media to engage with them.


The Brass Tacks Free Podcasting Course


Avoid My 5 Podcasting Rookie Mistakes


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